Organic Arable Updates

Welcome to our blog. Here we will bring you items of interest and information about the organic sector. As well as contributions from Andrew Trump we also have John Pawsey, Chair of Organic Arable, and Suffolk farmer and Lawrence Woodward, Organic Arable Board member and well known commentator on the organic sector posting for us too.

Please feel free to join in by adding comments to our posts.

Friday, 9 September 2011

Organic Arable member hails a fine harvest

Congratulations to Carl Gray on his yields as declared in last weeks Farmer's Weekly article.

Interesting to see Invicta doing so well. Claire has been a mainstay of organic wheat production for a number of years as it has performed consistently well in trials. Perhaps Invicta is set to topple it but remember this is one year on one farm and quite an extreme year in terms of weather.

Let's hope Invicta can perform well in future years to help improve organic yields more broadly.  Was the care and attention Carl gave to growing a seed crop responsible for the additional yield or is the variety itself that much better?   Perhaps Carl could share with us all how he managed it

Organic wheat thrills near Tewkesbury - 9/7/2011 - Farmers Weekly: