Organic Arable Updates

Welcome to our blog. Here we will bring you items of interest and information about the organic sector. As well as contributions from Andrew Trump we also have John Pawsey, Chair of Organic Arable, and Suffolk farmer and Lawrence Woodward, Organic Arable Board member and well known commentator on the organic sector posting for us too.

Please feel free to join in by adding comments to our posts.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

The Wheat Movie | Farmer to Miller to Baker

Who'd have thought there would be interest in a movie about wheat?  What a fascinating project we look forward to seeing the final version.
The Wheat Movie | Farmer to Miller to Baker

Thursday, 3 March 2011

ADAS Crop Report

ADAS reports winter crops have survived the cold winter conditions well. Some crops of winter oats and winter beans have seen plant losses but generally the picture is positive. The cold conditions have reduced both pest and disease pressures.

Milder February temperatures have led to more advanced crops than last season.